Wiya & Associates, LLC is an American Indian owned and operated consulting service. Our mission is to provide the highest standard of consultation and assistance possible to our clients.
Our Business
Wiya & Associates, LLC was established to fill a void for educational entities, tribal organizations, and organizations serving American Indian people. Our business allows schools, colleges, tribal governments, and others to find short-term expertise on an as-needed basis.
Who We Are
Wiya & Associates, LLC is a limited liability company with offices in North Dakota and Montana.
We are also recognized as service vendors in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Deborah His Horse is Thunder, Founder and CEO
8335 12th Avenue P. O. Box 480 Fort Yates, ND58538 ph: 701-527-3913 fax: 701-854-3428 Deborah@wiya1.com